Ms. Jamuna Maharjan Shrestha is a senior psychosocial practitioner. She currently works as a freelancing expert with several organizations in Nepal and abroad. She worked for several years at TPO Nepal as a clinical manager where she supervised colleagues and also led 6 months psychosocial counseling course. She has been working in the mental health and psychosocial service field for over 25 years with various populations including refugees, torture survivors, conflict-affected people, trauma survivors especially women and children, SGBV survivors, LGBITQ, trafficked survivors, and families alike. She is a globally certified Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) service provider and Common Threads facilitator. She is also the founding President of AVP Nepal and continues to work as an AVP facilitator with various communities across Nepal and the world, to encourage creative conflict resolution and peace-building methods. She loves to work with local communities including minority groups like Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer (LGBTIQ) to empower them to take the lead of their psychosocial wellbeing themselves.