Professional Network of Psychologists from Nepal
Nepalese Psychology Network (NEPsychNet) started in 2008 as a volunteer-based virtual community to facilitate contact and communication among psychologists, professionals, students, and other interested people in the field of Nepalese psychology.

Posting guidelines:
- ANY MEMBER is welcome to post in this group keeping in mind that the posts should be useful to all the interested members of the group. Since the purpose of this group is to advance the field of Nepalese Psychology and share knowledge in the area, please keep your postings relevant.
- We highly encourage the posts related to open events in which interested people can participate and contribute.
- Please, limit the posts that are commercials intended to promote certain events.

Note: If you are enthusiastic to volunteer and like to be part of an active team here, please send a request with a note about why you’d like to join in and how you would like to contribute. See:
Email: or fill up this form here.
Interested members can be part of the listserv by following this link:!forum/psychology-network
Members can send the messages at:
Interested members can also join the facebook group by following this link:
Follow the updates:

Sujen Man Maharjan
Sanjeev Prajapati
Rita Gurung

Palistha Tuladhar
Deepsikha Dongol